Sabtu, 25 Juli 2015

What Kind of Job I Want After I Graduate from University

My name is Tri Atmaja, I am 22 years old. I was a university student of Gunadarma. I am a student of computer system this is my fourth year studying in Gunadarma, and my target this year I want to graduate and get a job. Gunadarma university I got a lot of knowledge, experience and new friends.

talk about a job after graduating from university Gunadarma, so after graduation I want to work in the computer sector, perhaps as a technician in a company, programmers, or anything related to computers, but my goal that I want is to become a technician in a large enterprise engaged in the field of technology in Indonesia. why would I want it, because by working at a large company, with working on large companies I can get a big salary and most importantly, I can be happy both my parents, and with my work in Indonesia I contribute to the development of technological progress in Indonesia ,

written above is my goal, whether I will be able to reach all nobody knows. I need to do only try, learn, pray and work hard, that's all I'm sure the can achieve anything I want

thank you for reading this article

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